


Apply for a career, not a job...

We are managed by technical professionals with decades of relevant industry experience. The technical aptitude of our managers enables us to comprehend the goals and career plans of each and every employee.

People are our intellectual capital. We create an environment in which employees can grow and flourish. We conduct our business ethically and are committed to earn the loyalty of our employees. Little wonder, we have one of the highest retention rates in the industry


We are currently seeking Programmer Analysts


Programmer Analyst
Dvlp 3-tier modules/COM+ w/ Visual Studio.NET, XML, script languages; Dvlp entrprs applctn w/ Java, EJB, JSP, Struts, Servlets, JMS, XSL, XSLT, J2EE, Visual Studio ASP, VB Script, Java Script; Implmnt frmwrk of online financl web applctns w/ SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 dtbss; Tst info cllctng/trnsfrrng sftwr systms w/ knwldge in embedded pltfrms, TCP/IP, FTP prtcls, Win CE Toolkits; Maintain vrsn cntrl of Source Code & prjct dcmnts w/ Visual Source Safe, PVCS Dimensions, CVS. Req: BS eqvlnt in CS + 5 yrs exp. Resume: Globaldata Management Corp, 1001 Ave of the Americas, #419, New York, NY 10018.



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